1.2 Formulas


Relative Atomic Mass ( Ar ): The weighted mean of all the naturally occuring isotopes of the element relative to Carbon-12.Because of this the Ar is not a whole number. Ar has no units

Relative Molecular Mass (Mr) : The wieghted mean of all atomic masses of the atoms in one molecule  relative to Carbon-12. Because of this Mr in not a whole nu,ber. Mr has no units.

1.2.2: Calculate the mass of one mole of a species from its formula

Number of moles =mass/molecular mass

Molarity = number of moles/ volume

1.2.3: Solve problems involving the relationship between the amount of substance in moles, mass and molas mass.


Empiricqal Formula: The simples way to write the formula of a compound

             - Can either be obtained by knowing the mass of teh percent composition of the             elements

Molecular Formula: The actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule of a substance

1.2.5: Determine the empirical formula from the percentage composition or from other experimental data.

Ex: 344g of a compound contains 0.365g of Na, 0.221g of N, and 0.758g of O. Find the empirical formula:

Na  0.365/23 = 0.0159/0.0158 =1

N   0.221/14 = 0.0158/0.0158 = 1            NaNO3

O   0.0758/16 = 0.474/0.0158 = 3 

 1.2.6: Determine the molecular formula when guven both the empirical formula and experiemntal data.